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How is Fault Determined in a T-Bone Car Accident?

Determining fault in a T-bone car accident can be challenging. This process often requires a careful investigation of various factors and evidence, including police reports and reviewing traffic laws, physical evidence, and witness statements.

January 9, 2024

Determining fault in a T-bone car accident can be challenging. This process often requires a careful investigation of various factors and evidence, including police reports and reviewing traffic laws, physical evidence, and witness statements.

The fault may be straightforward if one driver violates a traffic rule, like running a red light, but in some cases, both drivers may share some level of responsibility. Contact the Law Office of Tyler Rody today to learn more about determining fault in a T-bone car accident.

What are T-Bone Car Accidents?

Side-impact crashes or T-bone car accidents occur when a vehicle rams into the side of another vehicle at a perpendicular angle. In these collisions, the front line of one vehicle collides with the side of another, creating a T shape.

They mostly happen at parking lots or intersections. Contributing factors include when one driver refuses to yield a traffic signal, such as a stop sign or red light. 

What are Common Causes of T-Bone Accidents?

Understanding the common causes of T-bone accidents is essential for promoting safe driving practices to prevent these accidents and ensure the well-being of all road users. Here are some contributing factors to T-bone collisions.

  • Distracted driving: This is one of the leading causes of T-bone accidents. When drivers are distracted, their attention is divided between the task at hand and another activity, such as texting or engaging with passengers.
  • Failure to yield: A T-bone crash may occur if a driver fails to yield the right of way at the parking or intersection.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances impairs judgment and reaction time. Intoxicated drivers may misjudge the movement of vehicles or fail to stop at intersections, leading to a T-bone accident.

How is Fault Determined in T-Bone Accidents in South Carolina?

In South Carolina, fault determination in T-bone collisions is based on the concept of comparative negligence. This means that fault can be given to various parties depending on their degree of liability for the accident. To establish fault in a T-bone accident in South Carolina, several aspects are taken into account, including:

  • Negligence: If you can prove that the other driver’s negligence indeed caused the accident, you may be able to establish fault.
  • Police report: A police report is vital for fault determination as it provides crucial evidence and a professional assessment of the accident circumstances.
  • Traffic laws: Any driver who violates traffic laws, such as failing to yield, can be deemed at fault.

Contact the Law Office of Tyler Rody For Help

The Law Office of Tyler Rody has represented car accident victims in Spartanburg for years. If you have been injured in a T-bone crash, call our office at (864) 381-7969 to schedule a free consultation with Spartanburg car accident lawyer Tyler Rody.

Tyler Rody

Tyler Rody


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