Wrongful Death Attorney in Spartanburg, SC

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If you’ve just lost a loved one, the devastation of knowing that their death might have been the result of negligence or medical malpractice can make it all the more upsetting. Of course, during this grieving period, a lawsuit may not be your first priority, but there is a limited time in which you can file a wrongful death law suit.

If you suspect your loved one died due to someone else’s negligence, hiring a personal injury attorney can be there to fight for compensation while you grieve. The Law Office of Tyler Rody is here to stand by you if you lost a loved one in an accident, including: 

  • Auto accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Truck accidents 
  • Medical malpractice
  • Nursing home abuse and neglect

Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation. When we take your case, we will lift the burden of seeking compensation for your losses from you so that you can focus on your family.

What Can You Recover From A South Carolina Wrongful Death Claim? 

The value of a life is immeasurable, and no amount of money can ever fully compensate you for your loss. However, part of the job the Law Office of Tyler Rody takes on is to prove the value of your lost loved one. In order for that to be possible, you need a lawyer that is willing to spend the time to understand what the loss means to the family left behind. In addition, a wrongful death lawsuit can help you offset the costs of:

  • Medical bills: It’s no surprise that medical bills can send a family into financial turmoil. As the medical bills pile up, it might be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Receiving the proper compensation for the medical bills that continue to add up after death will offer reprieve from the stress and heartache you’re facing during this trying time. 
  • Funeral costs: The average cost of a funeral in South Carolina is close to eight thousand dollars. While being faced with looming medical bills, potentially lost wages, and much more due to wrongful death, this cost might seem impossible to pay. Burying your loved ones in a way that celebrates their life is important and you deserve the compensation to have the ability to do so. 
  • Lost wages (including wages that could have been earned in the future): Lost wages not only include those that your loved one might have missed out during a time of not being able to work after an accident. If your loved one dies, you can also receive compensation for the wages that could have been earned had they lived. 
  • Lost benefits: Say you and your spouse share the same insurance benefits since their company pays for them. If they were to pass away, your benefits go along with them. During a time when medical bills are coming due, or you need medical attention because you were also involved in the accident, this can cause an enormous amount of stress. If you lose your benefits due to the death of your spouse, you are eligible to receive compensation through a wrongful death suit.
  • Pain and suffering: If you’ve had to enroll in therapy or you have lost your thirst for life in the wake of a loved one passing, you are more than within your rights to file a claim for compensation.  
  • Loss of the support of a companion: At this time, you might be grieving not just the loss of a loved one, but your partner and companion. The Law Office of Tyler Rody will offer individualized support so that you don’t have to face the claim challenges alone. 
  • Punitive damages: If you think the defendant made a conscious decision that led to the death of your loved one, you may be entitled to compensation in the form of punitive damages. Punitive damages result from actions like drunk driving, distracted driving, or abuse.

Get The Help You Need Today

While compensation for any of the aforementioned things can not erase the grief of losing a loved one, Tyler Rody can ensure that you can get the compensation you need to financially recover. 

After the wrongful death of a loved one, having to deal with expenses that come along with their passing is hard. Fortunately, you are not alone. With the help of Spartanburg wrongful death attorney Tyler Rody, you can navigate the legal process to recover the compensation you and your family needs. You focus on healing; our law firm will handle the rest.

Call us today or use our online form to speak with an attorney and discuss your wrongful death case. We provide free consultations, and there is no fee unless we win.

Injured? We Can Help.

Use the form on our website to contact a member of our office and schedule your free consultation today.