The proof is in the results. Below are just a few of the results we have achieved on behalf of clients just like you.
FCI Estill in SC
Our client was an inmate in need of an immediate referral to an eye specialist. He received the referral over 4 months late, and as a result, permanently lost vision in his left eye.
Spartanburg, SC
Our client broke her leg and collarbone when a driver of another vehicle ran a stop sign, failing to yield the right of way. Liability was disputed, as the driver that ran the stop sign was not initially placed at fault. Ultimately, the driver was found to be responsible, and the client was able to recover all available insurance coverage, including the liability coverage and two UIM policies.
Spartanburg, SC
A soon-to-be mother was 34 weeks pregnant when she was side-swiped by a car making an improper lane change. The next day, she went into early labor. The child was born early and had to spend several days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. We were able to obtain the full liablity insurance policy limits as well as additional UIM coverage for both the mother and the child.
Cherokee County, SC
Our client was rear-ended on I85 and suffered back injuries that were treated conservatively and later with injections. We successfully recovered the full liablity insurance policy limits and additional UIM policy limits.
Spartanburg, SC
Our client was driving straight when a car traveling the opposite direction made a left turn in front of our client, causing a significant crash. Our client broke his wrist and sustained multiple lacerations. We recovered the entire insurance policy limits of the at-fault driver and the entire available UIM coverage.
I85, SC
The client was rear-ended on I85, resulting in loss of hearing and back pain. We recovered the entirety of the liability and UIM insurance coverage.
Spartanburg, SC
Plaintiff was t-boned while turning left on a green arrow. The pre-suit offer was $0.00. Three months after filing suit, the offer was $35,000. After litigating the case for another year, we settled for $125,000.
Orangeburg, SC
A couple was rear-ended on I26 in Orangeburg County. They received ER and chiropractic treatment. We recovered the full insurance liablity policy limits.
Boiling Springs, SC
Plaintiff was bitten by another's dog on the ankle, causing scarring and infection.
South Carolina
Plaintiff alleges that a local school district blocked his personal Facebook account from being able to make public comment on or send messages to his child’s Elementary School’s Facebook page.
Spartanburg County, SC
A woman was injured at a grocery store due a malfunctioning condition on the premises.
*The results achieved on behalf of one client are specific to the facts of that client’s case and do not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients. Every case is different and favorable results cannot be guaranteed.*
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